Recruitment and talent attraction

Do you need new employees? Tools and ideas for talent attraction and recruitment?

Work in Seinäjoki – online service

In the Work in Seinäjoki online service you can publish your company profile to promote employer image and talent attraction. By publishing an employer profile, you participate in our recruitment campaigns, and make your company visible through Into Seinäjoki’s marketing activities.

Student internships & International students

Through an internship, you will get an enthusiastic new employee to your company, which may well lead to successful recruitment. Contact SeAMKSedu or University Consortium of Seinäjoki to get more information on internships and other possibilities to cooperate with students.

International recruitment

In a case of international recruitment, here’s some tools to get started:

Detailed information on the recruitment process is available in the International Recruitment Guide for Companies. The guide was published in 2021 and can be found on Business Finland’s website. Check out also the Business Finland funding opportunities here.

Material suitable for international communication and talent attraction can be found, for example, in the Finland Toolbox material bank, which contains e.g. pictures, videos and presentations about Finland and its strengths. This material package produced by Finland Promotion Board can be used by anyone to communicate about Finland.

Local resources and services
Seinäjoki City – Capital of Space – services of the city of Seinäjoki

TyöLakeus – Employment Services

MONI-info – Immigrant’s Advisory and Guidance service

E-P WIISE ry – Work Integration for Immigrants Service

Visit Seinäjoki Region – tips for travelling and leisure time activities

Regional inspiration and marketing materials
Here’s some marketing materials, which can be freely used in talent attraction. The compiled videos highlight the strengths of Seinäjoki region: number one city in entrepreneurship, high expertise in food industry, strong and evolving technology industry, valued work-life balance, and space – space for a wellbeing and good life, space for new talents.