Boost your
business idea
with us

Boost your
business idea
with us

Setting up a business
starts from a good business idea

Things to consider and do before setting up a business

Which problem do you want to solve, or customer need to fill? What are your products and services? Who is your most potential (and profitable) customer?  Where and which way is your customer used to buying their product or service?

What is the competitive situation in the market? What is the customer potential? Is there still room for a new operator? What will make your business stand out and customer to choose your company over another supplier? Explore the local premises market in The Premises Directory.

How do you finance the initial stages of your business (premises, equipment, insurances etc.)? What is the cost structure of your company? What are the pricing principles of the offering? Start sketching up Business Calculations. Look for a good accountant and learn about taxes.

What additional skills are needed in your team? Do you have sufficient business know-how and persistence in the long run? What needs to be outsourced? Who do you need to network with? Explore other Seinäjoki companies in The Business Directory.

Find out about business registrations, permits and other legal obligations needed to run a business in Finland. Her are examples of businesses subject to license or obligated to give a notice. Check the availability of a business name and domain. Also remember the insurances!

After considering the things above, start preparing a more detailed business and financial plans. You may download free electronic planning tools from Into Seinäjoki’s Business Pilot Guide.

Further counselling

  • If you are a student in Seinäjoki University of Applied Science, business counselling is provided to all students by Y-Zone Business Hub.
  • If you need counselling on practical matters in setting up a business (e.g. registrations, taxes, profitability and calculations), book a counselling time on-line to Uusyrityskeskus Neuvoa-Antava. Read more about setting up a business in The Entrepreneur’s Guide.
  • If you are unemployed and actively seeking for a job, contact your personal job search advisor before setting up a business.
  • If you need guidance and advice on general daily life issues and local services, contact Immigrant’s Advisory and Guidance Service MONI-Info.
  • If you need counselling on boosting your business idea in general, book a counselling time to Into Seinäjoki’s Business Services (booking calendar below). Together we’ll refine your idea – find out its special features, challenges and opportunities.

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