Seinäjoki is the capital of space and the best place for business in Finland

Seinäjoki is along the Finnish “growth corridor”

  • Excellent location on the Helsinki-Tampere-Seinäjoki growth path.
  • Good accessibility: 2 hrs. 50 min. to Helsinki, 1 hr. 5 min. to Tampere and 45 min. to Vaasa
  • Almost every hour by train from Helsinki to Seinäjoki
  • 10 km to Seinäjoki Airport, 80 km to Vaasa Airport


Number 1 city for business

For years, Seinäjoki has been number one in several business surveys among large cities. This is the best place for companies in Finland.

  • N:o 1 Local authority ranking, over 50,000 residents, Confederation of Finnish Industries 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023
  • N:o 1 Finland’s best business environment, Federation of Finnish Enterprises 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024
  • N:o 1 The image of Finnish Cities, Taloustutkimus 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023

Do you want to hear more?

Please contact and I will tell more about Seinäjoki.
Mr. Jukka Pajunen
+358 44 418 1215


Why Seinäjoki?


Seinäjoki has one of the country’s highest relative growth rates by almost all measurements. For instance, the pace of residential construction is one of the most vibrant in Finland.

Value for money

The steady increase in the value of property and land in a growing city.

Good employment rate

The lowest unemployment rate among the biggest cities in Finland

City of doers

People and attitude. Seinäjoki is a city of doers.




Strong business network.

High education

University city level of education. 32 % of residents have an academic degree. Strong multidisciplinary university of applied sciences.

Private business investments in Seinäjoki over a € 5 bn

Companies believe in the growth of Seinäjoki. The companies’ investments in Seinäjoki will be more than 5 billion euros in by 2027.

– Investments are the strongest indicator of the direction of regional development. So, Seinäjoki is continuing on a very strong growth path and it is a pleasure to market the city for new companies as well, says Leena Perämäki, CEO of Into Seinäjoki.

Here are some of the most significant investments and investment decisions

Industry: Atria (expansion of a poultry factory, pig cutting plant + Finland’s largest solar power plant built on Atria’s facilities), Nurmo’s bioenergy, Prima-Power, large logistics centers in the new area of ​​Roves.

Construction: More than 20 residential and commercial construction sites in the city center: e.g. OmaSp-talo, Kassakulma, Rauniontorni, Bio-Rex movie theatre, Sofiantorni, Aino, Patruunakortti, Jerikon kortteli, Itikanmäki, Saga Care, Kiskankulma, Leipuri.

Shops: Ideapark, Eepee market constructions, Lidl Päivölä, Puuilo, Hankkija Päivölä, Koneita.com, NHK agricultural center

Sports and culture: Kalevannavetta, OmaSp Stadium and stadium event arena extension, Hoplop, Teho Sport Arena, Wiihde Arena, padel halls, training halls for dog enthusiasts and football players.

We are already here

Seinäjoki is a growing city

Population: 66 000. Growth 0.6-1% per year.

Finland’s 16th largest city.

The Seinäjoki urban area is one of the ten largest urban areas in Finland. The Seinäjoki urban area, formed by Seinäjoki, Alavus, Isokyrö, Kauhava, Kuortane, Kurika and Lapua, has about 150,000 inhabitants.

The economic structure of Seinäjoki

The strongest industries in Seinäjoki are the Technology Industry and the Food Industry. Seinäjoki is also a significant concentration in trade.

Services 34%
Industry 15.3%
Trade 12%
Education and research 10.6%
Administration and public services 10.5%
Construction 6.7%
Agriculture and forestry 2.6%
Other 8.3%

High employment rate

Employment: Seinäjoki and Southern Ostrobothnia have one of the highest employment rates in mainland Finland. Correspondingly, the unemployment rate in Seinäjoki is one of the lowest in the country’s major cities.

Jobs: 31 210
Employment rate: 74.3%
Job self-sufficiency 110%
Businesses 4818

Largest employers in Seinäjoki

Wellbeing services county 3,400
City of Seinäjoki 3,000
Atria 1700
Etelä-Pohjanmaan Osuuskauppa 1260
Seinäjoki Education Consortium Sedu 750
Valio 480
Finn-Power Oy 400
Consortium of Eskoo Social Services 340
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences Ltd 340
Seinäjoen Käyttöauto 260
Rinta-JouppiOy 230


Income tax rate: 21.00%

Safe investment

Stable increase in the value of real estate and land in the growth city. It is safe to invest and locate in Seinäjoki.

High level of education

Seinäjoki is a university city. 32% of the residents have a university degree.

Sedu: vocational and adult education. More than 5,000 students. The total student flow is over 10,000 annually.

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences: 5,000 students, 6 fields of study (culture, business administration, technology, catering, social and health care, natural resources), 21 degrees. Selected as the best university of applied sciences in Finland in 2021.

University Consortium of Seinäjoki and the Epanet research network. A multidisciplinary community of 100 experts. Areas of expertise include the agro-economy and sustainable food solutions, smart and energy-efficient systems, well-being and creativity, and entrepreneurship and growth.

Please Contact:

Pajunen Jukka
Account director, investment services

Kivimäki Elisabet
International affairs and relocation services

Mansikkamäki Riina
Business development

Seppä-Lassila Tapio
Business development

Perämäki Leena
Managing Director

ENG: Seinäjoki-esitys 2024, tekijä Into Seinäjoki

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