Nordic Business Forum Live Stream Registration
Welcome to Nordic Business Forum LIVE Stream in Rytmikorjaamo!
We are super excited to see so many registrations to the event, over 120 amazing professionals are gathering to Rytmikorjaamo! That’s three times more than before. Refresh your memory by checking your email, we sent your registration info as a reminder yesterday.
Arrival and info
The venue for the event is Rytmikorjaamo, Vaasantie 11, Seinäjoki. The entrance is from the parking lot side, through Varicko’s doors, you won’t miss them. Please be sure to register by the Klubi doorway when you arrive. You will recieve lunch ticket for Thursdays Lunch Disco, if you have registered in advance for that. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! Event Coordinator Piia-Marika Jokela is available by call or text message at 0405504039.
Due to this spur of registrations, we cannot offer everyone a comfy seat, but never the less there will be seating for everyone. We will be prepping the venue with Preppaamo and Luova Tehdas today, just for you!
You can find up to date Live Stream Schedule from NBF site. You will be able to watch all side events, interviews as well. Changes are possible, but not probable. Lindsey Vonn has canceled, but Sheila Heen, a negotiation guru trusted by the likes of Apple and Google has been confirmed to be speaking. Her keynote topic is Difficult Conversations – How to Discuss What Matters Most.
Anyone can send the speakers questions through Nordic Business Forum app. Upload the app, create an account and scroll to More. Choose Q&A: Ask the speaker, write your question and your name (optional) and click Send. Scroll, comment and vote up questions, the moderator will choose some questions to ask on the stage. Note that not all sessions have Q&A possibilities.
All Live Stream participants can use Brella networking app to connect with other Live Stream participants. It makes virtual meetings and chat possiple for you! Seinäjoki Entrepreneurship Society will be briefing us on the use of Brella app on Wednesday at 14.00 and on Thursday at 12.00. SeiES helps you with Brella at all times, so don’t hesitate to chat with them!
Snacks, cold fruit waters and coffee/tee will be available at all times during the event at Klubi. Dietary restrictions informed in advance have been considered. For more detailed info, please contact Varicko staff at the venue.
Bite Size Brunch on Wednesday 11.15-12.15 and Breakfast on Thursday 9.15-10.15 are appetizer sized servings with elements from traditional brunch and breakfast ingredients. Topped with tasty smoothies. These sections are available to those who have registered in advance. You can arrive and enjoy this part of the event at your own pace, with a great opportunity to network with other participants during these tasty parts of the program.
On Thursday I-Mediat is providing us with a cool Lunch Disco at Varicko. There will be a DJ and some surprising program. If you have not registered for this part, you are welcome to join and have lunch at your own cost.
To end, some uptight requests
Please note that uncanceled no-show causes us expences and due to this there will be a fee charged if this occurs. The amount is equal to the real cost of your participation, for ex. price of Lunch Disco food services. If you are unable to attend, inform us IMMEDIATELY.
As this is an informational event, please give other participants possibility to concentrate on the speaches and program. Step aside if you want to have a conversation with someone or maybe talk on the phone. Always have your phone on silent! Let’s respect each other by providing an optimal space for concentration.
We warmly welcome you to Nordic Business Forum Live Stream Event in Rytmikorjaamo! See you soon!
Event Partners:
Into Seinäjoki / I-Mediat / SeiES
Participants in Event Production:
Rytmikorjaamo / Luova Tehdas / Preppaamo / Varicko / Janne Jämsén / Janne Mustonen